Thursday, October 29, 2009

Miller's specialist appointment

Okay so this is going to be quick and I will update it later. We are heading out at 8 am for our appointment at Mission Med Vet. I have miller's bloodwork and x-rays just in case. Of course the weather is super crappy and I HATE driving in rain so this may take forever. I will update as soon as I have news. There has been a report that a fellow competitor is coming to the show that has a dog with Lepto so I am fairly nervous about going now. Even if miller is vaccinated, who knows what serovar this dog is carrying and shedding. Also I had planned on taking the puppy and may have to leave him home with daddy. From what I am hearing, USDAA is saying they don't care, not their problem but enough people go forward and complain, maybe they will make it their problem. I have heard that people are going to boycott. The really bad thing is that it can affect people too so I am worried about mom getting exposed to something as well. URGH! Anyway, going to get dressed and head out into the raining mess!

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