Okay sorry I didn't get an update done last night. We worked on miller last night and then I had to work with the puppy. I am going to be one busy person! The other dogs can't seem to understand why Miller is getting so much special attention. I try and take him upstairs and put him on the bed and he seems to be the happiest there. We are currently doing ROM on both of his hips and using cookies to have him bend and flex to his hips and to his hock. I am SO sore though! I only did one session with him last night and man my back is not happy at all! I need a massage for sure! He LOVES the massage part but will really fight me on the ROM part.
Okay so here is the lowdown. Got to KC an hour before my appointment but that is fine. The weather was completely crappy and I wanted to be able to drive 50 mph if I wanted to and I did some because of the rain. The clinic was super nice and fancy, really up to date and clean. Receptionists weren't the nicest and kind of got sick listening to them answer the phone with a frown on their face but whatever. Got to go back and meet Dr. Shulte and went over the time line of events. She went over him a little and watched his videos. Then Dr. Wilson, the orthopediest came in and went over him. He was super nice and I really, really liked him (really cute too). He ruled out miller's back, knees, hips, and spine. He also looked at Miller's x-rays and said they were beautiful! BUT, he didn't know what the heck was going on at all. Dr. Shulte showed him what she thought was wrong, his left ileopsoas (groin muscle) and they did find something on the x-ray that concurred with this diagnosis (i didn't see it but i am not a vet). She did alot of work on his neck as it was screwy too and then did lots of stretching and ROM exercises with him. We did ultrasound on his ileopsoas, and then showed me all of the exercises that I needed to do for him every day. Let me tell you, the list is very daunting so I am trying to get them all done and they add on every 2-3 days. The problem is they didn't exactly say that I could go to nationals but they didn't tell me I couldn't. Dr. Shulte said that it would set his healing back and that he wouldn't run up to his normal self but we should be able to manage his injury and then attack it full force when we got back. He is currently on a muscle relaxer for five days and two natural anti-inflammatories. We are going to have to make our trip down 3 days instead of 2 which is better for mom and I for sure.
I am happy but cautious. I don't know why, maybe because I have had so many different diagnoses? I just have this nagging feeling that we aren't there or that we are missing something but I do trust Dr. Shulte and boy do i know how long injuries take to heal. This week is probably the first pain free week I have had in a very long time and I was injured back in August. I just hope that what we do gets him fixed and that we don't fight this for the rest of his career but I am afraid we might. He is very happy right now so I know what we are doing is helping. I just need to let it go and go on and be happy that we are getting to go and run. This will probably be his last USDAA nationals as he turns 11 in 2010 and I don't know if I want to drag him to all of those extra shows and run him in every class. We only have 2 local USDAA shows so everywhere else we go has to be either in Chicago or MN or CO. It would be nice to cut back on USDAA but I LOVE it so! I feel like it is more challenging than AKC and I love the strategy involved. Okay so I need to get in the shower! More later!
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